'Living soil made from the AeromatiCo - the soil food web'

'Living soil made from the AeromatiCo - the soil food web'
01:03 Dec 26, 2021
'The AeromatiCo liquid was run through a cloth where all of the organic matter was collected and dried.  The compost created is spongy and smells like the forest floor.  When we use the soil drench on our plants, a layer of this compost forms on top of the soil similar to what is shown here.  This is a form of regenerative agriculture because we are inoculating and building the living soil every time we apply the soil drench.  The AeromatiCo composter makes it easy to apply soil drenches everyday to our plants that super charges the soil food web.' 

Tags: aerobic , Grow , humus , composting , Food Waste , organic gardening , compost tea , regenerative agriculture , AeromatiCo , soil biodiversity , liquid composter , perpetual brew , soil drench , AACT

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