'A900 Rocket Composter recycling food waste at hotel, reduce food waste disposal costs'

'A900 Rocket Composter recycling food waste at hotel, reduce food waste disposal costs'
02:40 Dec 1, 2021
'Tidy Planet\'s Rocket composter is a simple and efficient way to transform food waste into compost in around 14 days. Available in a range of sizes to suit commercial catering establishments, the Rocket can be seen in operation in Hotels, restaurants, schools, colleges, universities, prisons, hospitals, large business, remote mining and drilling camps. Here the A900 Rocket is being used by South Lodge hotel to transform all the food waste produced by the hotel and its Michelin starred restaurant into nutritious organic fertilizer that is then used in the hotel\'s kitchen garden in order to improve the soil to grow more fruit and vegetables for the hotel. This truly closed loop solution not only makes them an award winning sustainable hotel but it saves them money on food waste collection and disposal and fertilizer too.' 

Tags: recycling , composting , Food Waste , compost , dehydra , composter , food waste recycling , Waste (Legal Subject) , big hanna , rocket composter , tidy planet , food waste dispoasl , dewater , dewaterer

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