Nov 21, 2021
'Star tortoises are herbivores that graze primarily on a variety of low quality, mixed grasses. They also eat opuntia (prickly pear) cactus, succulents, flowers, and weeds. Their natural diet is very high in fiber, high in calcium, and low in sugar and protein. The protein they do eat is all from plants; none is from animal sources. A Star tortoise’s natural diet does not include fruit, which contains high amounts of sugar that can cause bloating and parasite blooms. Minimum pen size for an adult is approximately 4 ft. by 4 ft. When it’s summer and warm, Star tortoises can be fairly active, and because they are grazers, they are genetically “programmed” to wander (forage) for food. \"It does not matter how slow you go as long as you don\'t stop.\"'
Tags: eating , turtle (animal) , Indian Star Tortoise (Organism Classification) , Reptile (Animal)
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