'How to Amend SANDY SOIL (ORGANIC AND NATURAL!) in 4 SIMPLE STEPS! www.johnandbobs.com - CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! @johnandbobs - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM/TWITTER Want to fix your sandy soil? This video will teach you organic gardening steps to amend your problem soil using the soil food web and with help from John & Bob\'s smart soil solution products (Maximize, Penetrate, Optimize, Nourish-Biosol). Get the organic soil and flourishing plants/garden/landscape you have always wanted! 4 simple steps that provide a faster and easier alternative to creating your own compost! soil, gardening, garden, garden soil, organic, garden tips, compost, soil testing, food, soil food web, sandy soil, johnandbobs, permaculture, john & bobs, john & bob’s, maximize, optimize, nourish-biosol, blend, penetrate, smart soil solutions, DIY, tutorial, how to, improve soil, vegetable garden Music: www.bensound.com https://youtu.be/JXd2Ny0qjuE'
Tags: tutorial , diy , Food , Organic , garden , gardening , permaculture , vegetable garden , garden tips , blend , Soil , soil food web , compost , optimize , maximize , soil testing , sandy soil , Garden Soil , johnandbobs , nourish-biosol , penetrate , improve soil , smart soil solutions , how to amend soil , how to fix soil , how to use john and bobs , john valentino
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