'The Soil Food Web and Compost Tea'

'The Soil Food Web and Compost Tea'
18:47 Nov 3, 2021
'I wanted to take a few (ok, maybe more than a few) minutes to talk about the Soil Food Web and Compost tea. I was one of those synthetic fertilizer gardeners for the beginning portion of my grow. I spent a lot of time trying to get the \"next best thing\" and reading about all these synthetic ferts that are supposed to \"Grow the biggest plants in the world...\". Although they may give you a quick boost, in the long run it is bad for your soil. If you are in containers, it isn\'t that big of an issue, but for all the in ground gardeners, this is no bueno. What is even worse is to use an organic fertilizer one week, and a synthetic the next. This defeats the whole purpose.   There are a ton of papers out there written by respected horticulturists on the benefits of boosting your soil through compost tea. I would recommend doin a google search on Compost Tea and read through the websites out there that talk about the tea and then download a few studies and papers written by the leaders in the field.   Here is a balanced tea recipe for you to start with:         1.5 pounds of balanced compost (equal parts bacterial to fungal biomass)  1.6 ounces of humic acids  1 ounce of liquid kelp (or granular)  1 ounce of soluble unsulphured black-strap molasses  A tbsp or so of myco  My Grow Log: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27401-mgold86s-glog-of-sorts-tons-of-new-photos-and-videos/  My Photobucket: http://s1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff454/mgold86/2012%20Grow/  TMudder: http://www.youtube.com/user/tmudder?feature=g-u-u' 

Tags: healthy , vegetables , green , Organic , garden , environment , peppers , flowers , ghost pepper , compost , Fertilizer , bhut , BUTCHT , FREESTYLROLLA , TMUDDER

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