'In this video Dan from http://www.plantabundance.com shares with you how he went about preparing his landscape prior to the establishing of any plants. Soil tilling can be a controversial subject and for good reasons. The soil food web is an intrical part of earth care that should not be over looked. Our understanding of these processes many of which we cannot see as they occur beneath the soils covering and surface will ultimately bring us closer to healing much of the damage that has occurred to our lands. Garden location: Northern CA, Zone 9b You can easily help support this channel by bookmarking and shopping amazon through Dan\'s affiliate link: http://amzn.to/2fqnpGp Thank you so much!'
Tags: Design , green , garden , sustainable , gardening , abundance , animals , permaculture , BACTERIA , fungi , Grow Food , covering , tilling , Soil , soil food web , food forest , mycorrhizae , natural farming , cover crops , nematodes , MULCH , Annuals , Living Mulch , polyculture , Arthropods , perennials , tillage , Arthopods , Companion Planting , Nitrogen Fixing
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