'Send Inquiry: https://bit.ly/2YgYL5c FSPC Machine Introduction: http://goo.gl/rdNQuS Automatic Single/Double Production Line of Sealed Ends Finger Spring Roll can hourly produce 4,000 finger spring rolls with both ends sealed. Pour prepared batter into hopper and bake at 150-180 degree C into a pastry belt which then is cooled as conveying to filling extruder. Through the carefully-designed rolling machine, filling is fully wrapped by spring roll pastry. Finally, finger spring rolls are sealed ends as cutting into pieces. The advanced production line complies with hygiene and safety regulations, featuring uniform sealed spring rolls in size and good taste which is comparable with handmade. We assure you of high quality and professional machines.'
Tags: spring roll , anko , ANKO Food Machine , Spring Roll Machine , Sealed Ends Finger Spring-Roll , Loempia , Loempia machine
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