'What\'s going on family, we are back with another video this time its a challenge, we decided to go head to head with Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin chicken wings, but the twist is I don\'t eat spicy food, we havent made a video in a while so we punished ourselves BUFFALO WILD WINGS is FOUL lol smash that LIKE button and enjoy the video. Background Music - Ruck P - Belvedere Follow Us on.... Rob\'s Social Media https://twitter.com/__newgodflow__ https://www.instagram.com/bank__sinatra/ https://www.facebook.com/RobertLMorris3rd Nidia\'s Social Media https://twitter.com/_LONDONsoSWEET https://www.instagram.com/_london/ https://www.facebook.com/nidia.richardson?pnref=lhc'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , Food , challenge , hot , funny , funny video , prank , pranks , challenges , vlogger couple , vlogs , hilarious , challenge video , vloggers , wings , Buffalo , hot sauce , wild , spicy , hot wings , buffalo wild wings , blazin buffalo wild wings challenge , blazin buffalo , pranksters , buffalo wild , wild wings , wild wing , blazing buffalo wild wings , blazing buffalo wild , wings challenge , blazin wings , wild wings challenge , challenges video , !!! , extremely spicy , Rob & Nidia
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