'In this video, I\'ll show you step-by-step on how to make the authentic Hong Kong Style Eggettes 香港街頭小吃: 雞蛋仔 They are popular street food from Hong Kong. Please see description below on where to get the equipment and ingredients. For more recipes and how-to\'s, please visit us at http://uTry.it Also, follow me on http://Facebook.uTry.it and http://Twitter.uTry.it I look forward to connect with you! (Click on \"Show More\" below to see the links and details.) Recipe and blog post: http://goo.gl/fkZDmi Bubble Egg Waffle Pan http://goo.gl/N3Xr7c P.S.: I\'ve found this electric bubble waffle maker online (please see link below). Although it\'s not the one I use in this video. But I think it\'s pretty convenience as you don\'t have to stand around the stove top to make these. http://goo.gl/XTTw3w Tapioca Flour http://goo.gl/CJ1vTh Evaporated Milk http://goo.gl/57oxKk Custard Powder http://goo.gl/hwKgPe Grapeseed Oil http://goo.gl/NjgrTN Pink Paper Baking Cups http://goo.gl/NCcRI9 Filing And Photography Tools: Video Camera Used: https://amzn.to/3jdrMq6 Tripod: https://amzn.to/345KABw Music Credit: \"Life of Riley\" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...'
Tags: Recipe , eggs , waffle maker , how-to , chinese , street food , Snacks , waffle , Hong Kong , asian cuisine , Easter recipe , spring time , bubble waffle , 雞蛋仔 , Hong Kong Style Eggettes , 香港街頭小吃 , Hong Kong Style Egg Waffle
See also: