'King Crimson 50th Anniversary Russia, Moscow, Theatre Club November 9, 2019 Set list: Pictures of a City 0:00 The Court of the Crimson King 08:25 21st Century Schizoid Man 16:03 I Talk to the Wind 23:55 Epitaph 29:02 Peace - A Theme 38:15 Cat Food 39:30 Mars 43:50 Musicians: Dennis Nazarov - bass, vocals Vladimir Kornienko - guitar, vocals Anton Zaletaev - sax, fluet, keyboards Fedor Popov - drums'
Tags: 1969 , russia , moscow , Mars , 50th anniversary , ringo starr , beatles , john lennon , paul mccartney , george harrison , Catfood , King Crimson , epitaph , Robert Fripp , In the Court of the Crimson King , битлз , джон леннон , джордж харрисон , пол маккартни , ринго старр , битлы , i talk to the wind , #1969fest , кинг кримзон , роберт фрипп , 50-летие , xxi century schizoid man , корней , владимир корниенко , денис назаров , dennis nazarov , korney
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