'台式泡菜口味|超巨大三明治!美國大胃王挑戰|Lucky\'s Sandwich Co.|大食い Food Challenges|Man vs. Food.|4.5 Lbs Deli Sandwiches'

10:06 Apr 29, 2021
'喜歡看我吃東西記得按讚&訂閱喔 下次想看我吃什麼可以底下留言告訴我 IG有我的一些生活有興趣的朋友可以追蹤一下  吃貨豪豪IG:https://www.instagram.com/martinispig  Facebook 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/吃貨豪豪-2372478129464010/?modal=admin_todo_tour  聯繫方式:martinisgy@gmail.com  Lucky\'s Sandwich Co. 位於:3472 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60657 大胃王挑戰內容有:3個很大的三明治總重約4.5磅,口味可以自己選擇,一小時內完食免費,成功的話店家會送免費T恤。失敗的話則要付餐點費用。  Lucky\'s Sandwich Co. located in:3472 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60657 The contestant will have exactly one hour to finish all 3 Sandwiches. Time is to be kept by an official Lucky’s employee. Once eating is started, the contestant may not leave the room. (No bathroom breaks people) The basket and wax paper must be COMPLETELY empty. (This includes ALL toppings) No item of the sandwich may be dropped on the floor or table. The sandwich must be completely swallowed by the end of the hour. All 3 sandwiches will be served at the same time. Finally, after you finish your lunch, ladies, and gentlemen, you have to keep it! No losing your lunch after you’ve eaten it! *Any attempt at breaking any of these rules will lead to disqualification. *Winners will receive..well the 3 free sandwiches you just ate, a Lucky’s T-shirt and their photo placed on our Wall of Fame.  #美國 #大胃王 #三明治' 

Tags: Food , challenge , food challenge , Choco , cereal , 香港 , 大食い , 中國 , 日本 , kellogg's , yumyum , 牛排 , 貝果 , 三明治 , 大阪 , 麵包 , toyz , 大胃王 , Hershey's , 生魚片 , 柯文哲 , TVBS , 高雄 , 可頌 , 呱吉 , 珍奶 , 館長 , 正妹 , 沙拉 , 台中 , 豬腳 , 大胃王挑戰 , 首位成功 , 漢堡 , 薯條 , 洋蔥圈 , 優格 , 奶蓋 , 壽喜燒 , 北澤壽喜燒 , 好吃好吃 , 戰斧豬排 , 台塑牛排 , 統神 , Choco Crunch , 巧克力 , 韓國瑜 , 中天 , 三立 , 丁丁 , 千千 , 反送中 , 東森 , 央視 , 丁特 , 三元 , 路路 , 反紅媒 , 豚丼 , , 小玉 , 放火 , joman , 郭台銘 , 蔡英文 , 狂新聞 , 難波 , 生魚片丼 , 蔡阿嘎 , 韓粉 , 鋼鐵人 , 漫威 , 蜘蛛人

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