'Wave / Dome / Cat Food by Abczeni (King Crimson tribute)'

'Wave / Dome / Cat Food by Abczeni (King Crimson tribute)'
09:04 May 14
'King CrimsonトリビュートバンドAbczeni(あぶくぜに)の演奏。「関西プログレ化計画 Vol.2」(2018/2/18)マリアナカフェ(茨木市)にて。\'Wave\'と\'Dome\'はAbczeniのオリジナル曲です。  King Crimson\'s \'Cat Food\' performed by Abczeni, Japanese King Crimson tribute band, in a \'Prog-Rock Ibaraki Project\' festival at Mariana Cafe of Ibaraki city, Osaka, on 18th February 2018.   \'Wave\' and \'Dome\' are original numbers composed by Abczeni.' 

Tags: kc , cat food , rock , King Crimson , progressive rock , prog , Abczeni , Crimso

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