'I went back to a week of the carnivore diet & shared every single meal I ate to heal my skin - lose weight - improve my mood & feel better with a ketogenic lifestyle! This video will show you everything I ate - my blood glucose numbers - how I slept on the carnivore diet & what supplements I took to keep my digestion in good shape & my electrolytes balanced. I was not extremely happy with my high blood glucose levels on the carnivore diet, but I had so many amazing health benefits that I decided not to worry about it & to continue the experiment for another week. MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO: Livestream - https://youtu.be/QdvZjeeZHvE Meat broth video - https://youtu.be/LsoE9gGkphg Carter Country Meats- http://cartercountrymeats.refr.cc/sarahk Carnivore Crisps - code YOGI - https://carnivorecrisps.com/?ref=Rte8-5NOXApzJ Carnivore Snax - code YOGI https://carnivoresnax.myshopify.com/?rfsn=5343065.b41c69 Enzymes I use - https://healthygutnutrients.com/product/holozymea?AFFID=484512 Postbiotic I use - https://healthygutnutrients.com/product/tributyrin-xa?AFFID=484152 Thryve custom probiotic based on my gut health sample - https://trythryve.com/carnivoreyogi HTMA (magnesium that I LOVE) - code YOGI - https://www.upgradedformulas.com/?rfsn=4637317.2071db5&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=4637317.2071db5 #CarnivoreDiet #CarnivoreDietmealplan #Carnivore TIME STAMPS: Intro: 0:20 Why I decided to do this: 1:18 Day 1 - 2:30 Day 2 - 3:40 Day 3 - 4:49 Day 4 - 5:40 Day 5 - 6:39 Day 6 - 7:51 Day 7 - 8:07 Sleep data - 8:36 Blood Glucose data: 10:17 Supplements - 11:11 Appetite and Weight loss - 14:37 Skin & Mood - 15:00 Conclusion 15:31 ____________________________________________ This video is not medical advice & as a supporter to you and your health journey - I encourage you to monitor your labs and work with a professional! ________________________________________ JOIN MY MAILING LIST TO BE NOTIFIED OF WHEN I OPEN MY NEXT PRIVATE COACHING GROUP - https://mailchi.mp/038cb5d4575f/join-my-mailing-list ______________________________________ You can now get blood work done utilizing my Sponsor “Let\'s Get Checked” - at home & this is a service I utilize as part of my health journey while following an animal based diet: https://trylgc.com/carnivoreyogi (discount code YOGI20): Check your thyroid labs: https://trylgc.com/carnivorethyroid Test your A1C - https://trylgc.com/carnivoreyogiA1C __________________________________ TEST YOUR GUT HEALTH AND GET CUSTOM PROBIOTICS BASED ON YOUR UNIQUE GUT HEALTH (using my sponsor - Thryve) - Code YOGI https://trythryve.com/carnivoreyogi _______________________________ Are you struggling with mental health & need a licensed therapist that will work with you via text, telephone or video chat? Check out one of my sponsors, Better Help & save 10% automatically by following this link: http://betterhelp.com/carnivoreyogi ---------------------------------------- My favorite source for regenerative meat & high quality - nutrient dense fat by one of my sponsors White Oak Pastures: https://www.whiteoakpastures.com/?rfsn=4735353.bf300d --------------------------------------------------------- The Continuous glucose monitor I use by one of my sponsors, Nutrisense (code CARNIVOREYOGI for a discount) - https://www.nutrisense.io/?utm_source=Sarah%20Kleiner&utm_medium=Youtube&utm_campaign=Promo ------------------------------------ Sarah\'s favorite Carnivore tools: (favorite cooking appliances, favorite supplements, skincare & more) - http://box5372.temp.domains/~oxygenm4/my-favorite-carnivore-tools/ I participate in the Amazon affiliate program & any Amazon links listed below my videos may provide me with a small commission at no charge to you. If you would like to ask me questions - “pick my brain” - here are some options for you to video chat with me. Note: I do not provide medical consultation, coaching, nor do I read labs. 30 minutes: https://calendly.com/sarahkleiner2020/pick-my-brain-consult-with-me 60 minutes: https://calendly.com/sarahkleiner2020/pick-my-brain-consult-with-me-for-60-minutes -------------------------------------------------- Love my content and want to support me? Consider becoming a Patreon ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/CarnivoreYogi or PayPal: [email protected] ; Venmo @Sarah-Kleiner ; Zelle - [email protected] If you would like to support me in another way, make a purchase through one of the affiliate links above - I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you ❤️
Tags: intermittent fasting , keto , keto weight loss , keto transformation , carnivore , carnivore diet results , keto diet , high fat diet , carnivore diet , sugar addiction , fasting , binge eating disorder , quit sugar , carnivore diet weight loss , Dr ken berry , keto flu , Vegan to Carnivore , Carnivore diet recipes , carnivore diet kelly hogan , carnivore diet blood work , dehydration on keto , keto macros , carnivore diet weight gain , quit binging , weight loss on carnivore , keto and fasting
See also: