'CARNIVORE DIET: 7 Things *NOT* To Do When Starting an All Meat Diet'

'CARNIVORE DIET: 7 Things *NOT* To Do When Starting an All Meat Diet'
17:36 May 8
'CARNIVORE DIET: 7 Things *NOT* To Do When Starting an all Meat Diet  UPDATE:  I\'m no longer hosting my food website, so the food list is not available.  You may be researching the pros and cons of beginning a carnivore journey or maybe you have already begun.  Congratulations if you have!  Whether you are teeter tottering on the cusp of beginning your carnivore journey or you have already dived in, here are 7 things Not to do when starting a carnivore diet.  1. Do Not Start a New Strenuous Work Out Routine 2. Do Not Keep Junk and Plant Foods in Your House 3. Do Not Drink Alcohol During Adaptation 4. Do Not Eat or Drink Sweet Things 5. Do Not Get Dehydrated 6. Do Not Under Eat 7. Do Not Broadcast Your Diet to Your Unsupportive Friends and Family' 
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