'Michael Rosen Hot Food Compilation HD Remastered but badly translated'

09:43 Apr 11
'everything is badly translated even the title of the story (except inaudible sounds that michael makes)  i used a google docs addon to badly translate words google document of everything badly translated: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ioanfUywc2Ame2Fa_ZC8BoWhcVAJaA_BojRrKjVE0IQ/edit?usp=sharing  took 3 days to complete the video  i might do other compilations but idk  0:00 Hot Meal 1:03 A Barrel of Oil 2:16 Forest 3:21 Diagnosis 4:29 My Father Called 5:13 Avoid Speaking At A Distance 5:33 Listen Again 6:18 Alibaba\'s Objections 7:29 You Look Wonderful 9:04 The Weather Is Warm' 

Tags: Michael Rosen , michael rosen badly translated , michael rosen google translated

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