'What is the best aquarium fish food?'

'What is the best aquarium fish food?'
04:39 Mar 23, 2024
'Feeding your fish correctly is very important to their health and the health of the fish. There are many types of fish food and my video explains what types are commonly available to buy.  How often should I feed my fish and how much?  This is dependent on the type of fish you are keeping of course. Generally though in a mixed community tank I recommend feeding once every day or every other day (in a tank with heavy stocking), with only enough food to be eaten within two minutes of entering the water. Putting to much food in or feeding to frequently will cause your tank to get covered in algae, lead to poor water quality and also is bad for your fishes health.  For larger fish, mainly predatory types, such as oscars or puffer fish etc, feeding can be cut to around once or twice a week as this is more natural for them and will also reduce the waste load on your aquarium.  Many fish food packets will tell you to feed three times a day and your fish WILL beg you for food. Ignore both of these and follow my advice and your fish will live long and healthy lives.  What should I feed my fish?  Understand your fishes natural diet and feeding habits. Are they predators, algae eaters, scavengers or herbivores? Do they eat from the top of the water, middle of the tank or grub on the bottom? Do they eat better at night such as some catfish?  For top feeding fish use flakes or pellets which remain on the surface for a long time. For mid swimming fish use slow sinking feeds such as pellets or fish crisps. Bottom feeders require sinking pellets or tablets which lay on the bottom.  Give your fish the correct diet. If they are a predatory fish give them food which is higher in protein or supplement them with frozen or live feeds. Scavenging fish will eat anything, but keep their diet varied and make sure it gets to the bottom of the tank. Herbivores and algae eaters require special foods which contain a lot of plant matter such as algae wafers or algae crisps/flakes. Herbivores can be given fresh blanched vegetables or fruit such as squash, cucumber or courgette and they really enjoy it.  Remember to remove uneaten vegetables within 24 hours. Make sure that the food you are providing is of the correct size for your fish. Match the feed to their mouth size. Giving large fish small flakes or small fish large pellets will increase the amount of uneaten food and create waste in your aquarium.  Always buy the best quality food you can. Cheaper foods may seem like a good deal but unfortunately they are usually poorly produced and contain few beneficial nutrients for your fish. Cheaper foods usually do not get digested completely and will increase the waste given off by your fish reducing water quality.   ================================================             If you enjoy my videos please like / favorite them and             SUBSCRIBE to my channel.   There are more to come full of useful tips and tricks for new and experienced fishkeepers. ================================================ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27RO5ziOyhY' 

Tags: Food , feed , Your , fish , aquarium , give , fish food , Pellet Food , tropical fish (hobby) , fish keeping , flake food , algae wafers , What should i feed my fish? , crisp food , What to feed your fish

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