'It is World\'s Health Day today! For this occasion, this documentary explores with unique access inside three organisations on the frontline of the war on childhood obesity and preventable illnesses the story of what\'s going wrong with our children\'s health. Across Britain, the number of children with serious but entirely preventable health problems is spiraling. They eat too much. They don\'t clean their teeth. They never exercise. For the first time in centuries, many could die at a younger age than their parents. In Leeds, a quarter of all youngsters under the age of five have tooth decay and a third are obese. We follow the frustrated professionals at Leeds General Infirmary as they tackle this modern epidemic and meet the anxious parents on the frontline of a health disaster. Working hard to embrace a healthier lifestyle, we see families making big changes to help their kids get better. Welcome to All Documentary, the home of amazing documentaries! Here you will find full-length documentaries and full episodes from our documentary series, covering true crime, medical, science and more. Subscribe here for more full-length documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFrO... #Obesity #ChildhoodObesity #Health #Healthproblems #Tipsforhealthierlifestyle #lifestyle'
Tags: Lifestyle , Documentary , obesity , free documentary , Childhood Obesity , full documentary , documentaries , documental , travel documentary , docu , documentary film , factual , obesity documentary , documentaire , Documentary Channel , full length documentaries , healthier lifestyle , Change Your Lifestyle , medical documentary , top documentaries , reel truth , documentary full , all documentary , all docs , full length documentary
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