'One of every three Mexican children is overweight or obese. Aggressive junk food marketing manipulates and induces our children to consume unhealthy food and drinks, creating poor eating habits from a young age. The World Health Organization indicates that child targeted marketing exploits children\'s \"inexperience and credulity\" and is harming children\'s eating habits, placing them at future risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. With the \"Our Kids Come First Campaign,\" the Nutritional Health Alliance seeks to raise awareness and generate concern about the problem of childhood obesity in Mexico and the obesigenic environment, encouraging measures to protect children. At this stage of the campaign, we say, \"Enough of child targeted marketing!\" of sugary drink and junk food. We call for the removal of all kinds of marketing in our children\'s world: on the street and in stores, on Internet, in restaurants, in movies, on the radio and TV, including toys, gifts and promotions. Act with us to defend children\'s right to health. Share this video and visit www.actuaporlasalud.org/nuestrosninossonprimero'
Tags: kids , sugar , Diabetes , marketing , childhood , Junk Food , tax , labeling
See also: