'A quick reference guide with step by step directions and options to get you started on small food plots for fall: plot size, weed control, seed bed preparation - fire or herbicide, seed choices, when to plant, hunting strategies for small plots, and much more! 0:00 Start 01:22 When to Plant 01:46 Hunting Strategy 02:16 Clover in Fall Food Plots 03:12 What\'s the Mission? 04:12 What Seeds to Plant 05:38 Where to Plant? Broadcast? 06:28 Fertilizer- Soil Fertility 07:33 Prepare Seed Bed: Fire or Herbicide #deerhunting #TeamOutdoors'
Tags: Organic , food plots , white-tailed deer , Hunting (Interest) , soil conservation , what do deer eat , not-till food plots
See also: