Dec 17, 2023
'www.kauveryhospital.com Healthy bones are everyone’s wish, but we often ignore the process of getting them. There are four main things to follow if you want healthy bones – a combination of healthy foods, optimum nutrition, supplements if needed, and proper exercise. When you focus on the details and follow the right advice, bone health can be easily achieved, and you could also avoid diseases like osteoporosis. Watch Dr. Yamini Prakash, Dietician at Kauvery Hospital, talk about the best diets for healthy bones. https://www.kauveryhospital.com/ #Osteoporosis #HealthyBones #BoneHealth #BestDietforHealthyBone Tele-consultation with Doctors | Book Appointments | Order Medicines and much more from the comfort of your home. Download the Kauvery Kare app today. Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.telemedkauvery iOS : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/kauvery-kare/id1558333989 Twitter @kauveryhospital Facebook @kauveryhospitalchennai @KauveryHospitalTrichy @kauveryhospitalkaraikudi @kauveryhospitalhosur @KauveryHospitalSalem Linkedin @KauveryHospitalGroup Instagram @kauveryhospital Podbean @kauveryhospital'
Tags: bone health , Best Diet for Healthy Bone
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