'What I prepped today, Canning Jars and Canning Jar Storage'

02:30 Sep 21, 2023
'It wasn\'t much of a prep, but I did some reorganizing of my preps today.  Since Fred moved in, I don\'t can too much anymore, so I decided it was time to pack up a lot of the canning jars.  It\'s creating a neater pantry too.    20190404 Canning JArs' 

Tags: how to , save money , survival , SHTF , Emergency Preparedness , being prepared , freeze dried food , harvest right freeze dryer , preps , shit hits the fan , how to freeze dry , How to store canning jars , canning jar storage , what to do with canning jars , old canning jars , what I prepped today , what did you prep today

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