'Check out the workout between Joe \"The Beast\" DeRousie and Stan \"Rhino\" Efferding! Some heavy inclines in this one!! Joe is 1 Week out from USA\'s!! You can find Joe \"The Beast\" DeRousie @ http://facebook.com/JoeDeRousie http://twitter.com/JoeDeRousie http://youtube.com/JoeDeRousie You can find Stan \"Rhino\" Efferding @ http://stanefferding.com http://rhinowear.net You can find us @ http://MassMuscle.TV http://youtube.com/believevideo http://twitter.com/MassMuscleTV http://facebook.com/BelieveMedia http://facebook.com/MassMuscleTV Subscribe! Tags: MassMuscleTV, Believe Media, Joe DeRousie, Stan Efferding, The Beast, Rhino, Bodybuilding, Joe the beast DeRousie, Chest, Triceps, Bodybuilder, USA\'s, NPC, 2011, 1 week out, training, Joe Derousie training, Stan Efferding bodybuilding training, powerlifting, powerlifter, support team, incline barbell, incline press, dumbbell, bands, Flex Wheeler, Flex Wheeler Fitness, Shawn Ray, Muscular Development, Steve Blechman, Believemedia, Mass Muscle TV, Cam Caddie, A Bid Farewell'
Tags: bodybuilding , chest , training , Rhino , Dumbbell , Bodybuilder , triceps , bands , powerlifting , Flex Wheeler , Shawn Ray , 2011 , powerlifter , NPC , the beast , Stan Efferding , incline press , muscular development , 1 Week Out , USA's , Incline Barbell , MassMuscleTV , Believe Media , Flex Wheeler Fitness , Joe DeRousie , Joe the beast DeRousie , Joe Derousie training , support team , Steve Blechman , Believemedia , Mass Muscle TV , Cam Caddie , A Bid Farewell
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