'#clionadhcosmetics #stainedglassmultichromes * clionadh cosmetics stained glass multichromes • ♡ Hello fellow makeup lovers! ♡ My name is Emily Violet Marie and in today\'s video I\'m bringing you some live swatches of my most recent Clionadh Cosmetics stained glass collection multichromes! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ YouTube will always be a hobby for me and I have nothing to lose by giving you guys my 100 percent unfiltered opinions. I promise to always be truthful and tell you straight up how I feel about any subject I talk about here on my channel. I get most of my photos from Trendmood1, Indiemakeupnews, and TheIndieMood on Instagram. Please check out their pages! Thank you so much for stopping by and watching my video. I hope you enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ----------------------------------- ♡♡Products Mentioned♡♡ Luminaire - iridescent multichrome Gleam - iridescent glitter multichrome Lux - glitter iridescent multichrome Gloaming - glitter iridescent multichrome Mosaic - jeweled multichrome Rose line - jeweled multichrome Vermilion - deep iridescent multichrome ----------------------------------- ♡♡ AFFILIATE CODES TO SAVE MONEY ♡♡ For 20% off Devinah orders: Code: EmilyVioletmarie ** (Affiliate code) **Anything linked with an asterisks (*) next to it, is an affiliated product or brand. If you choose to click on the link and happen to purchase something I talked about in this video, I will earn a small commission that helps out the channel. Thank you in advance if you choose to do so! ----------------------------------- ♡♡FACE♡♡ ♡Primer: Cover FX - Mattifying ♡Bronzer: Becca - Ipanama Sun ♡Blush: etude house strawberry choux ♡Highlight: jd glow Cosmetics chaos ♡Contour: The Balm - Bahama Mama bronzer, LA Girl - Toast ♡Concealer: Tarte - Shape Tape Light Neutral ♡Setting Powder: Too Faced - Peachy Matte ♡♡EYES♡♡ ♡Eyeshadow: ♡Inner corner/brow bone: Colourpop - Flexitarian, Give Me Glow Cosmetics - Halo ♡Liner: The Balm - Shwing, Estée Edit - Nude ♡Lashes: The Boldface Lash - Go Big or Go Home ♡♡LIPS♡♡ **DISCLAIMER** I overline my lips to Australia and back because I\'m too poor to get lip injections! lol I know it\'s not everyone\'s cup of tea, but I like the way it looks on me! ♡Liner: ♡Lipstick: ----------------------------------- ♡♡ Get To Know Me! ♡♡ ♡How old are you? -- 23 ♡Where do you live? -- Washington! ♡What ethnicity are you? -- Armenian ♡What do you do for a living? -- I\'m a dental assistant! ♡What is your skin type? -- Oily and somewhat acne prone, and I guess now I\'m dry even tho I don\'t wanna admit it lol ---------------------------------- ♡♡Misc.♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ **This video is not sponsored and these opinions are 100 percent my own** ♡Boyfriends gaming channel: Linkedgamingtv (he is second in the world on speed running a Shrek game lol check it out!) ♡Check out my puppy luv on Instagram: Charliechewey ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ CONTACT INFO/ SOCIALS: ♡P.O. Box 1551 Ridgefield, WA 98642 ♡Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvioletmarie ♡Twitter: Https://www.twitter.com/shmooopy ♡Email: [email protected]'
Tags: swatch , indie makeup , indie brand , Clionadh , Stained Glass collection , clionadh stained glass swatches , clionadh cosmetics , Multichrome shadows , Clionadh Cosmetics Stained Glass Collection , clionadh cosmetics multichrome , clionadh stained glass multichromes , clionadh cosmetics jeweled multichrome , clionadh cosmetics iridescent , clionadh cosmetics glitter multichrome , multichromes shadows , clionadh stained glass shadows , clionadh cosmetics eye shadow swatches , best indie brand 2020
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