'Check out Hoover https://bit.ly/2NXR5BK you\'ll love the ONEPWR line! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edynloveslife/ Website: http://gardenofedyn.co Podcast: https://apple.co/2VHiDMa Connect: edynloveslife +My Favorite Things+ Amazon: http://amazon.com/shop/edynjacks WW: https://bit.ly/EdynWW (get a free month) +My Stuff/Mentioned+ Sunscreen: https://www.tula.com/collections/sunscreen/products/daily-sunscreen-gel-broad-spectrum-spf-30 Code: EDYNLOVES Pants: https://go.magik.ly/ml/10phb/ Top: https://go.magik.ly/ml/15nve/ +Work with me+ [email protected] (business email) +FTC+ This video is sponsored by Hoover!'
Tags: wellness , body positive , podcast , Plus size , healthy meals , grocery haul , plus size fitness , WW , austin texas , myww , plus size yoga
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