'Hey Guys! Today\'s video is dupe for New Clionadh cosmetics dragun fruit palette x Emily Violet Marie. This is an all shimmer palette with 13 beautiful shades. The Dragon Fruit palette has 1 glitter type Irridescent multichrome, 1 vibrant multichrome, 2 Sparkle shadows, 2 Duochromes, 3 Metallics and 4 Velvet satins. This palette retails for $59.40 USD ($74.99 CAD) The New Clionadh Cosmetics Dragon Fruit Palette launches on April 27th at 3PM EST. https://clionadhcosmetics.com/ Palette used to dupe: Glamlite Mikayla palette: https://glamlite.com/collections/mikayla-x-glamlite/products/mikayla-palette Looxi Beauty Auroras Eyeshadows: https://www.looxibeauty.com/collections/duochromes Cookie Dough https://www.looxibeauty.com/products/cookie-dough Glasswing https://www.looxibeauty.com/products/glasswing Social Butterfly https://www.looxibeauty.com/products/social-butterfly Nabla secret palette Big Experience: https://www.ulta.com/p/secret-palette-pimprod2008007?sku=2553764 ABH Amrezy Rezy: https://modesens.com/product/anastasia-beverly-hills-amrezy-eye-shadow-palette-026-oz-74g-multi-38910273/?country=us&language=en&refinfo=gSH_ggfAnastBeverHillsfe-HeBePeCaCoMaEyMaEySh38910273&utm_source=google&utm_media=CPC&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6pOTBhCTARIsAHF23fJNoPuxm4SQR0UaMKOQR4Aldw7FhvD7Wjyyzj3GN47ffibGc7_y5KQaAkd_EALw_wcB Pat McGrath Crimson Red: https://www.patmcgrath.com/products/eye-ecstasy-eye-shadow-palette?variant=29465559924805 JD Glow Prismatic: https://www.jdglowcosmetics.com/collections/galaxy-eyeshadows/products/prismatic-galaxy JD Glow Bestie: https://www.jdglowcosmetics.com/collections/galaxy-eyeshadows/products/copy-of-unexpected-galaxy Join Rakuten and save money when you do online purchases: https://www.rakuten.com/r/SONYSM7?eeid=28187 Affiliated Links: Its Bel Cosmetics: https://itsbelcosmetics.com/?ref=SMITHYSONY Code: SMITHYSONY for 10%OFF Merit Beauty: https://glnk.io/no9l/itssmithysony 10% off Pretties for your Face: https://www.prettiesforyourface.com/eyes/polymorph-pigments-multichromes/ Code SMITHYSONY for 15% off Non Affiliated Links: Glaminatrix Cosmetics: https://glaminatrixcosmetics.com.au/ Code: SMITHY for 10% OFF To Connect with me: Facebook: @smithysony89 Instagram: @itssmithysony For PR, please email me at [email protected]'
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