'Pernah dengar kan game yang satu ini? Udah pasti seru deh! Yukk klik video nya ^^ Ingin info lebih lanjut? Kirim pertanyaan mu melalui email ke [email protected] atau bisa juga di SNS kita : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AstaAndKidz/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/astaandkidz/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/astaandkidz LINE : @astaandkidz Skype : Official Asta And Kidz Backsound by : 1. Bike Rides - The Green Orbs 2. Bubblegum Ballgame - JR Tundra 3. Ponies and Balloons - The Green Orbs 4. Sunday Spirit by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/'
Tags: Food , ice cream , vs , versus , education , game , duel , Play , children , child , candy , Main , Real , challange , anak , seru , makanan , gummy , cocacola , Permen , edukasi , éducative , yuppy , kak alvin , kak alis , jahil , marsmellow , edukatif , asta and toys
See also: