'Ingredients: • 200 g monkfish • 15 g soya beans • 10 g Culinary Journey Fish Fond • 60 g egg yolk • 30 g wheat starch • Pepper Preparation: Cut the monkfish into 2 cm dice and set aside. Mix the soya beans, the Fish Fond, egg yolk, starch and pepper in the blender until a fine and uniform consistency is achieved. Mix it with the monkfish and marinade for at least 12 hours in the fridge. Fry in oil at 180 ºC until golden brown. Serve hot.'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , Dinner , fruits , eating , chocolate , Chicken , trading , video , art , Cook , journey , sugar , plant , FOODS , ingredients , pastry , culinary , RESTAURANT , essential , freeze , oils , Gastronomy , dried , Sosa , Flavours , (Profession) , molecular , Molecular Gastronomy (Cuisine) , extracts , Soufle , antioxidantes , Karaage (Dish) , sosaingredients , texturizers , Efervescentes , Emulsionantes , Esferificantes , Espesantes , Estabilizantes , Gelificantes
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