'Part 1 Mood Food - BBC Explorations | Storyteller Media'

'Part 1 Mood Food - BBC Explorations | Storyteller Media'
04:20 Oct 14, 2022
'Food can make us feel happy, more alert or even ready for a night of steamy passion.  In the brave new world of mood food, what we eat could even cut crime.  Science is revealing that everything we eat has the potential to change our brain chemistry  and as a result the way we think and feel.  Were entering a brave new world where knowledge about the connections between food and mood could transform our lives.  So could the right food make us feel happy, more alert or even ready for a night of steamy passion?    British police are testing chocolate as a secret weapon in the fight against street crime.   In the town of Bournemouth thousands of people stream in and out of bars and nightclubs over the weekend. Add alcohol to the mix and its a formula for street brawls and rowdy behaviour.  But what happens if you hand out chocolate at closing time?  The initial results have been extraordinary. And its all because the natural chemicals in chocolate make people feel happy  and therefore less aggressive.  Top chess players Terry and Paul find out whether food can sharpen the mind. They eat contrasting meals  one designed to create drowsiness, the other to promote alertness. Then they meet for a dramatic chess showdown. May the best fed man win.  Meanwhile Diana Ralston tries to conquer years of depression by changing her diet. She visits a top nutritionist who completely revamps her eating habits. As part of her new regime Diana cuts out wheat products and eats plenty of oily fish and fresh vegetables. Within two weeks she feels like a different person.  But could food also spark the flames of passion? With the help of a mood food expert we devise the ultimate aphrodisiac meal. Eating it could help you turn into a red-hot lover.   And whats the future?  We reveal how chefs and scientists may work together to engineer powerful mood food dishes  with weird and wonderful results.  Storyteller produce and distribute documentaries and factual programming specialising in animals and nature; from endangered species and what\'s being done to save them to mysterious animal and monster stories.  http://www.storyteller.com.au http://www.animalx.net http://www.facebook.com/storytellermn http://twitter.com/storytellermn http://www.animalalliestv.com http://beforeitstoolate.org/' 

Tags: Cooking , eating , nutrition , Food , Recipes , science , chocolate , Documentary , stress , educational , diets , healthy eating , nature , BBC , cooking for health , health food , innovation , storyteller , Stress Management , Species , Food for thought , brain food , mood food , Sexy Foods , endangered , food for energy , science of food , BBC Documentaries , Discovery documentaries , food for lovers , Storyteller Media , Policing , Afrodisiac (Composition) , Innovative Emergency Management (Business Operation)

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