'FULL DAY OF BIRTHDAY EATING | Man Vs Food | Epic Cheat Day'

15:08 Oct 6, 2022
'Hey guys thank you for clicking on my video. In this video I show you exactly what I ate on my 24th birthday and just take you with me while I celebrate my day. I hope you enjoy the video, if you do please feel free to like and subscribe.   Also if you are interested in online coaching please fill out the application form below.   Application Form For Online Coaching:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLJ3GEPz6H-2-Ow0SYiAh3URemR6WXQBb7GKoLG2Vof8IosA/viewform   Contact Me:  Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/calum.pugsley?ref=bookmarks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calumpugsley/ Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Pugzy22 Snapchat: pugsley22 Email: pugsley22@hotmail.co.uk' 

Tags: fitness , Cake , full day of eating , birthday , cambridge , man vs food , cheat day , cheat meal , epic cheat meal , how to bulk , Birthday meal , how to stay lean

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